Unquote - definition. What is Unquote
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Quote, Unquote; Quote Unquote

You can say quote before and unquote after a word or phrase, or quote, unquote before or after it, to show that you are quoting someone or that you do not believe that a word or phrase used by others is accurate. (SPOKEN)
He drowned in a boating quote 'accident' unquote...
¦ adjective not quoted or listed on a stock exchange.
quote -- unquote      
used parenthetically to indicate the beginning and end of a quotation.


Quote... Unquote

Quote ... Unquote is a panel game which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and based on quotations. Since the series began on 4 January 1976, every episode was chaired by its deviser, Nigel Rees. The programme is available online via the BBC Sounds application. Its final series, the 57th, aired in November/December 2021.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. unquote.
Losing a Child to Suicide _ Nicole Browning _ Talks at Google
2. unquote.
Skeptoid - Critical Phenomena Analysis _ Brian Dunning _ Talks at Google
3. Unquote.
One Man's Quest to Rewrite the Constitution of the USA _ Kevin Bleyer _ Talks at Google
4. Unquote.
Losing a Child to Suicide _ Nicole Browning _ Talks at Google
5. unquote ethnic literature, or quote, unquote,
No One Can Pronounce My Name _ Rakesh Satyal _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. But they can‘t "win" this, quote, unquote, militarily.
2. But the Almighty responded, quote, "I have knowledge of what you are ignorant of," unquote.
3. "The [IAEA] Secretariat told us the information they have is in their words, ‘very credible‘, unquote, and they have asked Iran to provide ‘substantive responses‘, unquote," Gregory Schulte told reporters.
4. "Rightly or wrongly, Republicans tend to perceive religion as, quote–unquote, on their side,‘" Green said.
5. Quote, "The Almighty taught human beings what they were ignorant of," unquote.